Trainmore Dumbells


"Being able to move is a privilege."


Hi! I’m Nas, 22 years old and born and raised in Rotterdam. I started my sport career as a competitive swimmer, back in 2012. After 6 years I wanted to improve and so, in 2018, I began to explore strength training. Ever since, I have fallen in love with it so much that I stopped competitive swimming and started coaching it.

Now, after a couple of years, I have had the opportunity to develop myself as a coach. I have trained a variety of athletes, from young to old, from out of shape individuals to those that compete at the highest level in the Netherlands and in Europe.

Besides my passion for coaching and seeing every single one of my athletes improve, on both physical and mental, I also have a strong passion for everything movement related. This brings me to my current Bachelor: Human Movement Sciences. Here I get the required knowledge regarding everything that has to do with the human body and movement, which I can apply directly into practice.

I am ready for this new adventure and cannot wait to help you transform into the best version of yourself (and beyond).



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