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What is mindset?

There’s a lot of talk these days about mindset. On TikTok and Instagram you can find lots of hack for it, but what is a mindset, really? Mindset is your attitude and outlook towards something. It’s the collection of your beliefs, attitudes, and habits and they determine how you react to challenges and obstacles in your life. Your mindset also shapes how you see yourself, others, and the world around you. When it comes to fitness, your mindset plays a critical role in determining how successful you will be in achieving your goals. It can make or break your success.


How does mindset work?

Your mindset is influenced by a variety of factors, including past experiences, cultural upbringing, and personal beliefs. This means that everyone’s mindset is unique to them. However, there are two main types of mindsets that are relevant to fitness: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset:

Fixed Mindset
A fixed mindset is when  you believe that your abilities and traits are set in stone and cannot be changed. For example, you might believe that you’re “just not a runner” or that you’ll never be able to do a pull-up. This type of mindset can be limiting and discourage you from trying new things or pushing yourself.

Growth mindset
On the other hand, a growth mindset is when you believe that your abilities and traits can be developed through hard work and dedication. You view challenges and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. This type of mindset can be empowering and help you push past obstacles.


Why do you sometimes not have the right mindset?

There are many reasons why you might struggle to maintain a positive and growth-oriented mindset when it comes to fitness. Here are some common obstacles that can get in the way:

  • Self-doubt and negative self-talk:
    When you doubt your abilities or constantly tell yourself that you’re not good enough, it can be hard to stay motivated and push through tough workouts.
  • Comparing yourself to others:
    When you constantly compare yourself to others, it can be easy to feel discouraged and lose sight of your own progress.
  • Fear of failure:
    When you’re afraid of failing, it can be tempting to avoid challenging yourself or setting ambitious goals.
  • Burnout and lack of motivation:
    When you’ve been working out consistently for a while, it’s normal to experience burnout and feel unmotivated.


How to keep your mindset in check

One way to get back on track mindset wise is by reminding yourself of your goals and why you started your fitness journey in the first place. Visualize yourself achieving those goals and how proud you’ll feel.

Another way to shift your mindset is to surround yourself with positive influences. This could be a supportive friend or family member, a motivating fitness community, or even uplifting social media accounts.

It’s also important to give yourself grace and compassion. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. If you miss a workout or slip up on your nutrition, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, focus on getting back on track and making progress.

Incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing can also help you stay present and centered in your fitness journey.

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8 Ways to get in the right fitness mindset 

The good news is that your mindset is not set in stone. You can create a growth mindset and learn to overcome obstacles that are holding you back. Here are some tips for getting in the right mindset and staying motivated:


1. Set realistic goals

Setting goals is a crucial step in achieving your fitness objectives. However, it’s essential to set goals that are both challenging and achievable. If your goals are too easy, you might not feel motivated to put in the effort required to achieve them. On the other hand, if your goals are too difficult, you may become discouraged and give up.

To set effective fitness goals, it’s important to make them specific, measurable, and time-bound. For example, instead of setting a goal to “get fit,” set a goal to “run a 5K in under 30 minutes in three months.” This goal is specific, measurable, and time-bound, making it easier to track your progress and adjust your plan accordingly.

It’s also important to break your larger goals down into smaller, more manageable goals. For example, if your ultimate goal is to run a marathon, start by setting a goal to run a 5K, then a 10K, and so on. Achieving these smaller goals along the way will keep you motivated and help you build momentum towards your larger goal.

Remember, goal-setting is a personal process, so it’s important to set goals that align with your fitness level, lifestyle, and interests. Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals along the way as you learn more about what works for you and what doesn’t. By setting challenging but achievable goals, you can stay motivated and focused on your fitness journey.


2. Focus on your own progress

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own progress and celebrate your successes. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, especially in the age of social media where everyone’s highlight reel is on display. But this comparison trap can be detrimental to our mindset and progress in our fitness journey. Instead of looking at others, focus on your own progress and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

Tracking your progress is a great way to stay focused on your own journey. Write down your workouts, take progress pictures, and celebrate every milestone along the way. Remember that everyone’s journey is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness. Embrace your unique journey and keep pushing forward towards your goals.


3. Practice positive self-talk

Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations that encourage and motivate you. Practicing positive self-talk is a powerful tool to shift your mindset towards a more positive and motivated state. It involves paying attention to the way you speak to yourself and making a conscious effort to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

For example, instead of saying “I can’t do this,” try saying “I am capable and strong, and I can push through this challenge.” By reframing your thoughts in a positive way, you create a more supportive internal dialogue that helps you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Another way to practice positive self-talk is to use visual cues such as sticky notes with motivational quotes or phrases around your home or workplace. These reminders can help reinforce positive thinking and keep you motivated throughout the day.


4. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn

Instead of being afraid of failure, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. In fitness and in life, failure is inevitable. However, instead of viewing it as a setback or a reason to give up, it’s important to embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

For instance, if you’ve been consistently working out and suddenly experience a setback, like an injury or an illness, it can be disheartening. But rather than giving up completely, try to learn from the experience. Maybe you need to adjust your workout routine or focus more on recovery and injury prevention.

Similarly, if you’re struggling to reach a fitness goal, it’s important to remember that progress is not always linear. There will be ups and downs along the way, but every setback is an opportunity to learn and come back stronger. Use your failures as motivation to keep pushing yourself and trying new things.

One way to embrace failure as an opportunity to learn is to track your progress and reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Journaling can be a great way to do this. Write down your fitness goals and reflect on your progress each week. What challenges did you face? What successes did you achieve? What did you learn along the way?


5. Mix up your routine

When you’re feeling burnt out or unmotivated, try mixing up your routine with new exercises or activities. This can help you stay engaged and excited about your workouts. Check out our blog on how to level up your workouts for more information and inspiration.


6. Visualize yourself achieving your goals

When you’re feeling demotivated or down about your progress, take a few minutes to visualize yourself achieving your fitness goals. Close your eyes and imagine yourself crossing that finish line or lifting that weight you’ve been working towards. Visualize the feeling of accomplishment and pride that will come with reaching those goals. This simple practice can help reignite your motivation and focus, reminding you of why you started your fitness journey in the first place.


7. Create a vision board

You can also create a vision board or collage to help you visualize your fitness goals. Cut out pictures of your ideal body, inspiring quotes, or photos of people who inspire you and stick them on a board or in a journal. This way, you can look at it every day and keep those goals at the forefront of your mind.


8. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness practices can be a powerful tool to help you get into the right mindset for your fitness journey. By focusing on the present moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings, you can better understand the barriers that may be holding you back and develop strategies to overcome them. Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are all great ways to incorporate mindfulness into your routine. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to quiet your mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness. This can help you to stay motivated, focused, and energized as you work towards your fitness goals.


Go be awesome

Alright, fitness warriors, let’s recap. We’ve covered a lot of ground on how to develop a strong fitness mindset and stay motivated on your fitness journey. From setting achievable goals and embracing failure as a learning opportunity, to practicing positive self-talk and using mindfulness techniques, there are plenty of tools to help you unleash your inner fitness warrior.

Remember, staying motivated is all about finding what works for you and keeping things fresh. Mix up your workouts, try new healthy recipes, and challenge yourself with new goals. And most importantly, don’t forget to celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small they may seem.

So go one fitness warriors, and crush those goals with your newfound mindset!


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Which of these tips will you use to stay motivated?


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