Gaia is designed to empower and uplift women in their strength-training journey. This dedicated zone offers a comfortable & supportive environment for women to feel confident and encouraged while training. Also, we will provide educational content and guidance on fitness and well-being products to take in conjunction with training.

All Gaia zones will open on Tuesday, June 25th. On the opening day in Utrecht, we will have an official moment at 12:00, attended by several partners like Paula’s Choice, Zilk, Cycle, Collachino, and our own personal trainers.

Let’s keep lifting each other up and making TrainMore a gym where everyone feels at home.

FAQ's (English)

Gaia is the ancient Greek goddess of the earth, symbolizing fertility, growth, and abundance. She represents the power and energy of the natural world and offers valuable lessons about the strength and resilience of the feminine spirit.

Recent studies, including those conducted in our own clubs, show that women appreciate having a dedicated space to work out together. The Gaia zone addresses specific fitness needs and preferences, providing room for various exercises. Also, we will provide educational content and guidance on fitness and well-being products to take in conjunction with training.

The equipment in Gaia zones caters to female members’ fitness needs, including weights and machines designed for different  body types. All equipment available in Gaia is also present in other parts of the club and available to everyone else.

The Gaia zone is exclusively for women. Access is granted to individuals who identify as female. Men are kindly asked to respect the zone as intended for women only.

Yes, women can work out in all zones of the club, not just the Gaia zone.

Male staff members can enter the Gaia zone for cleaning or facility checks. Male personal trainers can train with their female clients in Gaia. Male staff members are not allowed to work out in the Gaia area.

We will evaluate the use and appreciation of the Gaia zone later this year. A survey will be conducted to determine if it enables better workouts for female members. Based on the outcome, we will deliberate on opening more Gaia zones at other clubs where space permits.

Staat jouw vraag en/of antwoord er niet tussen, neem dan contact op met onze Costumer Care afdeling.

FAQ's (Nederlands)

Gaia is de Griekse godin van de aarde en staat symbool voor vruchtbaarheid, groei en overvloed. Ze vertegenwoordigt de kracht en energie van de natuurlijke wereld en biedt waardevolle lessen over de kracht en veerkracht van de vrouwelijke geest.

Recente onderzoeken in de fitnessindustrie tonen aan dat een grote groep vrouwen het op prijs stelt om een speciale ruimte te hebben om samen te trainen. De Gaia-zone richt zich op specifieke fitnessbehoeften en -voorkeuren en biedt vrouwen de privacy om te kunnen trainen. Daarnaast geven we met Gaia vrouwen toegang tot educatieve content en producten die fitness- en wellbeing doelen kunnen ondersteunen.

Alle apparatuur die beschikbaar is in Gaia is ook aanwezig in andere delen van de club en beschikbaar voor iedereen. Denk hierbij aan squat racks, benches en deadlift platforms.

De Gaia-zone is exclusief voor vrouwen: alle personen die zich als vrouw identificeren mogen hier trainen. Mannen worden vriendelijk verzocht om te respecteren dat de zone alleen voor vrouwen bedoeld is.

Ja, vrouwen kunnen in alle zones van de club trainen, niet alleen in de Gaia-zone.

Mannelijke medewerkers mogen alleen de Gaia-zone in om schoon te maken of faciliteiten te controleren. Mannelijke personal trainers kunnen met hun vrouwelijke klanten in Gaia trainen. Mannelijke medewerkers mogen zelf niet trainen in de Gaia-zone.

Later dit jaar zullen we evalueren hoe de Gaia-zone wordt ervaren. Op basis van de resultaten zullen we overwegen om meer Gaia-zones te openen in andere clubs waar de ruimte het toelaat.

Is your question and/or answer not in here? Please reach out to our Costumer Care department here.